Friday, September 9, 2011


A NATION That was and shoud be BHARAT or BHARAT VARSHA ( Older thsn all Modern Civilisation
Now named INDIA when GREEKS INVADED IT. Beccaue Greeks could not pronounce the Name SINDHU SABHYATA but manufactured a slang INDUS and from that INDIA and under Foreign Domination We had to swallowi it '
Then came the PERSIANS : they distorted sindhu ato HINDU which was not a reigion but only their Geographical Tdentification. And there wre no MUSLIM religion born yetthen.And they could not twist thei voice to say SIndhu and they stamped every thing about as HINDU and named the land Hinduastan and:
because Bharat was rich and beautiful like a vergin godess fertie and rich, Bharat, 2000 yrs. lost her freedom , verginity, wealth , every thing and last her freedom to imperial BRITISH.
Main tragedy is ; even after 1947 or POLITICAL FREEDOM, NEHRU did not bother to regain the lost name (Bharat) and remove old 'Leper-wounds' i.e 'India , Indian, Hindu, Hindustan etc and these distorted slangs are sticking on us like oests and scabs. and thepopuation is iving with it because they got the 'independece as a POST-WAR (2nd World-war )as a CO-incidence gift and never earnt or knew what is known as : 'BOSTON TEA PARTY ' !

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