Wednesday, September 21, 2011



Clear the way
the hon'ble Minister coming
clear the way
yes the terrorist attack again on the Capital to day
we know, and are prepared for the worst
clear the way
the minister wants to see and sympathise
speech -writer has finished a draft
please. have patience
just clear the path
Know what the Leader said
'they are coward" even excuse them and so
we may even excuse them -if they allow us
you know , the value of "speech writer", friend
what ! - the relatives are angry -all ?
what business they have
alright ! that's right
but who have more sympathy than us
we want to serve you more
even beyond next Election day
please remember us to vote
now clear the path and let me go
for some Hospital , where injured are
have to symathacise their wound or the deads
just clear yhe way -
as we are on Casual leave
from the PARIAMENT
for bartaering our dream -with your faith , -today
just clear the way.
Posted by Phani Basu at 10:06 AM 0 comments
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