Thursday, December 1, 2011


FDI war: Sushma asks Sonia to explain her stand; Dinesh Trivedi skips cabinet meet

New Delhi:  The battle over Foreign Direct Investment or FDI in retail shows no sign of abating. This despite the fact that for the eighth day in a row, Parliament did not get down to work because of the stand-off between the government and the opposition.


Enter the Layman ! !


I was in U.S.A  for 16 yrs .There I came to  know about  ECONOMIC crisis twice. I even read some writings of Rabi Mitra, the great Ecinomist and also ,experienced the pricks and punches of he great Depression , -then.
Yet  a rich country has a lot of buffer Zone in between. Just  like,- Bil gates or our TATA if lose 75 percent of their assetts will still remain a Bilinaire.
In  U.S.A if the un-employment  rise more than6.5 percent  there is Volcanic roar and meting heat  from people's side, while in INDIA  with 40 percent un -employment  (perhaps) the  people with BPL endure all shocks, admirably.

HOW ? In  every lane of  KOLKATA  Or Subarban Towns  we find vendors, hawkers , fruitsellers. subzi -walas ,with wheel -carts. 
On even the crowded  local passanger- trains unemployed Indians survive by carrying a innovated mobile- shop  hanging down from their neck  selling every imaginabe things or eatables and  ,thus nurturing their "DIGNITY of LABOUR"  keeping themselves enlisted in NATIONAL B P L  and thus they survive to offer their VOTES for their NEXT  FOOD-MINISTER etc.

Now  FDI  may be a GRAT thing for  certaainNATIONS--admitted.
But  if everythinhg is made , even cheaper or a few lakhs jobs  are, even created and if we get evry thing so easily through WALL MART-  MAGIC-WORD, I know the vendors or self-employed -wagers  will  lose to the BIG-GAME and will evovlve  onto  Pick-pockets , Looters, Snatchers or even Local MINI- MAFIAS !

Maybe,  as I am a layman or a regisrered IGNORANT on ECONOMICS , the NATION can easily forgive and forget my 
"senseless-observations" on this page.

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