Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"Sibal Snaps At Social  Networks" ---The  Times of  India,kokata, Wdwnwsday,december  7, 2011, front page ;
Go slow dear, 
Auto-immune - disease,- you might have  been affected by 
or,  may be , you  the Leader-politicians  are  invaded now
by Hyper-Allergic fear.
If  some pictures,  like 'Bollywood' -shots,  that give you visual pleasure  so much -when in home 
stabs  your  ego and vanity  ; but  then, just think
How the CORRUPTION and SCAMS that  you 'fathered' and and  PROTECT , at people's and Parliament's Cost
And half the People and B P L who made  you 'Lord'
are feeling when they starve and  ' GRAINS" are rotting on open grounds !
Think again Dear,
only a 'slap' has made you 'Mad' ! 

Yet I can foresee the TIME  what , Rabi Thakur said long back:
"Whom you have thrown below, are now  tie-ing  you back.
whom have pushed behind,-are,now puling you back" (from Durvaagaa  desh ).
And in my words , as I think :
'Whom  you kicked  so long are  now ready to slap you back
for 'action -reaction' are  proven Scientific law' --pibi

   And  more is coming , I think, and can smell.

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